Friday, October 8, 2010

Things In Common - Face to Face

 Have you ever sat down to watch a show on TV and it sound as if they were talking about you? Someone is describing you to million of people. You have now come face to face with you. What is one to do? What do you do with the information? Do you accept it as truth, grow and move on/or do you denie it, say that's not me and refuse to change. In the book of St. James (1:24) states that he takes a good look at himself and then goes away and at once forgets what he looks like;walking away forgetting whose face was in the mirror does not profit any of us. We must be willing to face the truth about ourselves, in order to grow and become a better person. I was watching Dr. Phil and to my surprise I heard them talking about who seem to be me and without my permission. What I thought about me (the good,the bad and the ugly), but couldn't put it in words or where afraid to put into words was now staring me in the face. It was hard but I decided to embrace the truth and face me, myself, and I. I believe that truth is inside of us and we know it, but is terrified of coming face to face with it. Accept all of you and you will be the better for it. Grace and Peace.