Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's Next

In the last two years I've lost a total of 73 pounds, life was good. Little that I knew, I would  be involved in a car accident, have major surgery and get laid off.  I've since gain all of the weight back and am now looking for work.  What's next for me? I'm still in love with teaching and working with at risk children. I've recently received my passport and now dream of going on missions around the world. I have my husband and two sons, who desperately needs me and my hand full of friends.  What's next? I will get this weight off again and maybe even get a job or establish my own business. I've learned so much during these set backs and I am determined to use everyone of them. So, what's next? Me, finally it's my turn.
Thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for His loving kindness toward me.