Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Sons, My Heros

I was recently awaken out of my sleep with this thought "If you do right by your kids, they will rise up to meet you". I'll be honest with you, I didn't know what it meant, but I prayed and ask the Lord what does this mean? And soon I had my answer. This is where the title of this blog come in, My Son, My Hero. I get ask all the time how did I get my sons to grow up with such respect for others and most of all for each other? They are each other best friend. My reply was always "I don"t know, prayer". It was prayer!! I believe the Bible when it say to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. I believe that a newborn  baby is a gift of great value from the Lord; I believe that parents are commission by God of the great responsibility of rearing our children; I also believe that it takes great wisdom to raise our children, even more so today. I didn't know what i was doing, therefore I kept my children before the Lord in prayer; every where I went they did also. I had to denied myself  many things in order to live in a decent house/community for the safety of my children. As a woman, it was extremely hard, because you can't keep up with the friends and trends of the time, nor can you have white furniture and expect it to be a home for little children.  I decided to give the best of me to my children; and that is my love for them and the Lord, Jesus Christ. I've always told my children that I wanted them to love the Lord as much as I do; He saved my life. Now that my sons are soon to be 26 and 22 years old, they have rise up to meet me and I am proud to say that I was given the honor of training them. When we put our all into raising our children, it will pay off in the end. One my sons has finished college and one is about to finish, they have always held a job of some sort to help with their personal needs. However, the thing that make me so proud is that when I got laid off, it was under some questionable circumstances. As the head of  house hold (husband on disability), I couldn't afford to be without a job. This sent me into a downward spiral, fighting to keep the faith, all of the phone calls stop(where did they all go?), no one to talk to without walking away feeling like it was all my fault, it was my problem. I was in a car accident in May 2009, a year later I lost my job, even though I had just graduated from UNCC with a Masters of Art in Teaching (December 2009), I am unemployed. I have a mortgage, student loans for me and my sons, and other bills (no, not credit cards) that I am responsible for. This is when it began to change for me; no one calling any longer and others are calling looking to me for help, I stuff my feelings and went with the flow, sinking deeper and deeper into despair; not paying attention to my needs. My son came to me and offered me what I had always offered them, My love for the Lord Jesus Christ. He offered me Jesus! It still makes me cry. I was sinking deep into depression and My Son, My Hero said "mom come and go with me, I found a church that teaches the bible just like you and I think you will enjoy it". I promised to go the next Sunday and I did. He brought me back to my first love. Oh! my God my sons have rise up to meet me. Love your children enough to train them in the way they should go and they will rise to meet you (your expectations).  So, let your expectations for them be the same as the Lords' (Jeremiah 29:11-14)