Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Things In Common - Right Shoes and Walking

Hey! have you ever had a child with a ruptured Achilles Tendon? Well it's no picnic. My son recently ruptured his achilles tendon while at Appalachian State University, playing basketball with friends. He tried to hide it from me, because it was the day before my birthday. What he didn't realized is that mothers have a sixth sense when it comes to their children. The next day, my birthday, I could not shake the feeling  that something was wrong.  I picked up my phone to make a call and his phone number showed up on my phone, so I called and the rest you know. Now the real work begins, it was off to the doctor to find out, yes, it's ruptured and he must have surgery. He was not very happy about the news, because it meant crutches once again (3rd time). When we went to the hospital on the day of his surgery, all he could think about was the fact that he could only wear his left foot of shoes and in fact he only brought home the left foot of each pair of shoes he own. This was a long day sitting in the waiting area, but the fun began when we were able to see him and get him checked out to go home. The medication had him asking where was his older brother, who was at work, the dog, and Turk (TV show Scrubs). The surgery went well and it was time for me to be both mom and nurse, I have to admit, I enjoyed it.  It was every three to four hours of icing the leg and giving him the pain medication. I felt as if I had my baby back (22yrs old) and that felt good. I was more alive and happy than I've been for a while. The next step was getting the stitches out and having a cast put on. From day one, this young man began the count down as to when the cast is coming off and he can wear his right shoes and walk flat again. The fun is slowly fading and I too want the cast off. He went back to Appalachian to finish up the semester, oh happy day. He ended the semester strong, even after having about three weeks of works to make up and taking his finials. The time has come and the cast maybe coming off, I hope it is, because this boy is planning on running if the doctor try to put another cast on. What it comes down to is wearing the right foot of your shoes, walking or a cast. He has forgotten that he will have to wear a big boot on that foot for a while and then therapy. Well, I guess  if he get another cast, because I love my son, I will probably run away from home. Prayer is needed. Thanks