Friday, January 4, 2013

Doing the Right Thing, always Pay off.

A Testimony -

WOW ! another year has come and gone. Good bye 2012, thanks for the memories. There were so many lessons learn, that enlighten my life with knowledge, wisdom and understanding,  I will never be the same.  Our God is so awesome! that He made sure my year ended with a bang. A couple of days before Christmas, my husband went to a store and found an item that is expensive. He waited at the store hoping that someone would show up looking for it, but no such luck. We went on a mission to find the owner, we located some information and made contact, after having them to id the item, we met. The item was returned and through much tears and hugging, we were informed that they had given up on ever finding it. What stood out to me was when she told us that she ask God "who are these people?  Well, we hug some more and departed.  As we returned home, feeling all warm on the inside, I heard in my thoughts " this is how you make the world beautiful for Jesus, one person at a time".  I shared the thought with my husband and we prayed, giving thanks to God for the mind to do the right thing.  It's not over yet! About two days before Christmas, I received a call and it was my new friend (that own the item) wanting to see me. She came bearing gifts, I know WOW, right. It was such a surprise, and a bit over-whelming (weren't expecting anything). That was the start of it all. Now it's Christmas Eve, I get a phone call from another friend who wanted to see me, we met and you got it, more gifts, things that I've been hoping for. Christmas Day family and friends, but it was even more special because of  restored relationships.
Since that day in December, my life has been full of surprises. Thanks 2012 for all the memories. 

This is where 2013 begins and the surprises continue. Another friend calls, I was on her mind and she believe that the Lord spoke and told her to (you got it) be a blessing to me, so she obey and I was blessed, yet again. After each of these blessings, I heard "see doing the right things all ways pay off".

When God said that He will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus, believe you me, He will (Philippians 4:19). Therefore, let us make a greater effort to do the right thing each day and declare 2013 as the year to make the world beautiful for Jesus.

Grace and Peace,

Jessie Singleton