Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving Day 2017

There is something to be said about traditions, yes, some of them need to be done away with, but there are some that we should hold on to forever and this is one of them. There is nothing like thanksgiving day with family and friends- whoever they may be.  After my recent mission trip to Guatemala, seeing their love for family and community, have restored my love and gratitude for the holiday. Therefore, I wanted to do something different, but I didn't want to be alone, I wanted to see my family and friends I haven't seen in a long time. So, I convinced my son (Reuben) to take a road trip with me, even though he was going out of town,  he said yes! He was there at 5:30 am, we loaded the car and off we went. I drove, he slept, we stopped for gas and to eat enjoying our time together.
 We are now at my sister house, entered, forgetting the code for the alarm, yes you got it, the alarm is going off, I am afraid that the police will show up and arrest us for breaking and entering (see how the mind works, hahaha). Finally got the alarm off, verified information for the authority, now let the celebrating begin.
My nephew(Carlos) came in with his twins (a girl and a boy),O Joy!! He and his wife are both in the military. He is back from tour duty, but his wife is still in Afghanistan. Hats off to them both for their service. 
Then we were off to see other family members and eating at every stop, well not at every stop (in case my doctor is reading this) .  Unfortunately, my time was limited and I couldn't see everyone. The  big deal was hosted by my baby brother (John) and his wife (Wanda) in the country (Charleston, SC). A house full to capacity of people talking loudly, laughing and eating from tables of food, until you just couldn't eat anymore. I had so much fun with a lot of people I've never met before. We met as strangers and parted as family and friends. You guys did a good job baby brother; really good, Daddy would be proud of you.
While I had so much fun with everyone, the best time was with my baby (Reuben). Watching and listening to Reuben as he interacted with everyone, caused me to realize what an awesome young man he has become. Best road trip ever!! We talked almost the entire three hours back. Thanks, son, truly appreciate it. Safe travels today.
Now to my oldest son, daughter in law and grandson. We missed you so much, but understand having to share yourselves with each family. Thank you Jeremy, Asha and Elijah for the lovely dinner you shared with us before leaving and the thanksgiving day picture. I know you guys are having a great time, but I can't wait until you all are back home (my need to control, a little).
This has been one of the best thanksgiving day ever and there have been some good ones.
Thanks to all of my family and friends, old and new for making this holiday so very special.
