Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving Day 2017

There is something to be said about traditions, yes, some of them need to be done away with, but there are some that we should hold on to forever and this is one of them. There is nothing like thanksgiving day with family and friends- whoever they may be.  After my recent mission trip to Guatemala, seeing their love for family and community, have restored my love and gratitude for the holiday. Therefore, I wanted to do something different, but I didn't want to be alone, I wanted to see my family and friends I haven't seen in a long time. So, I convinced my son (Reuben) to take a road trip with me, even though he was going out of town,  he said yes! He was there at 5:30 am, we loaded the car and off we went. I drove, he slept, we stopped for gas and to eat enjoying our time together.
 We are now at my sister house, entered, forgetting the code for the alarm, yes you got it, the alarm is going off, I am afraid that the police will show up and arrest us for breaking and entering (see how the mind works, hahaha). Finally got the alarm off, verified information for the authority, now let the celebrating begin.
My nephew(Carlos) came in with his twins (a girl and a boy),O Joy!! He and his wife are both in the military. He is back from tour duty, but his wife is still in Afghanistan. Hats off to them both for their service. 
Then we were off to see other family members and eating at every stop, well not at every stop (in case my doctor is reading this) .  Unfortunately, my time was limited and I couldn't see everyone. The  big deal was hosted by my baby brother (John) and his wife (Wanda) in the country (Charleston, SC). A house full to capacity of people talking loudly, laughing and eating from tables of food, until you just couldn't eat anymore. I had so much fun with a lot of people I've never met before. We met as strangers and parted as family and friends. You guys did a good job baby brother; really good, Daddy would be proud of you.
While I had so much fun with everyone, the best time was with my baby (Reuben). Watching and listening to Reuben as he interacted with everyone, caused me to realize what an awesome young man he has become. Best road trip ever!! We talked almost the entire three hours back. Thanks, son, truly appreciate it. Safe travels today.
Now to my oldest son, daughter in law and grandson. We missed you so much, but understand having to share yourselves with each family. Thank you Jeremy, Asha and Elijah for the lovely dinner you shared with us before leaving and the thanksgiving day picture. I know you guys are having a great time, but I can't wait until you all are back home (my need to control, a little).
This has been one of the best thanksgiving day ever and there have been some good ones.
Thanks to all of my family and friends, old and new for making this holiday so very special.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Doing the Right Thing, always Pay off.

A Testimony -

WOW ! another year has come and gone. Good bye 2012, thanks for the memories. There were so many lessons learn, that enlighten my life with knowledge, wisdom and understanding,  I will never be the same.  Our God is so awesome! that He made sure my year ended with a bang. A couple of days before Christmas, my husband went to a store and found an item that is expensive. He waited at the store hoping that someone would show up looking for it, but no such luck. We went on a mission to find the owner, we located some information and made contact, after having them to id the item, we met. The item was returned and through much tears and hugging, we were informed that they had given up on ever finding it. What stood out to me was when she told us that she ask God "who are these people?  Well, we hug some more and departed.  As we returned home, feeling all warm on the inside, I heard in my thoughts " this is how you make the world beautiful for Jesus, one person at a time".  I shared the thought with my husband and we prayed, giving thanks to God for the mind to do the right thing.  It's not over yet! About two days before Christmas, I received a call and it was my new friend (that own the item) wanting to see me. She came bearing gifts, I know WOW, right. It was such a surprise, and a bit over-whelming (weren't expecting anything). That was the start of it all. Now it's Christmas Eve, I get a phone call from another friend who wanted to see me, we met and you got it, more gifts, things that I've been hoping for. Christmas Day family and friends, but it was even more special because of  restored relationships.
Since that day in December, my life has been full of surprises. Thanks 2012 for all the memories. 

This is where 2013 begins and the surprises continue. Another friend calls, I was on her mind and she believe that the Lord spoke and told her to (you got it) be a blessing to me, so she obey and I was blessed, yet again. After each of these blessings, I heard "see doing the right things all ways pay off".

When God said that He will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus, believe you me, He will (Philippians 4:19). Therefore, let us make a greater effort to do the right thing each day and declare 2013 as the year to make the world beautiful for Jesus.

Grace and Peace,

Jessie Singleton

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Things In Common: People of God, Remember God

Things In Common: People of God, Remember God

I've heard it all, now they want guns in the schools? Come on! really?

People of  the most High God, your hearts maybe broken/hurting even over this tragedy and the others that came before, so am I. However, don't close your eyes to what is going on. Teachers and administrators carrying guns in the schools. What?

Why would we want to support more guns on the streets, in our homes,  and now in our schools, God forbid.

Don't make the gun organization richer by purchasing their guns. The very thing that have us hurting and grieving today.

I don't know what the answer is. Something must be done, yes, I agree, but it's not more guns, but more prayer.  In 2Chronicles 7:14 - 15 - If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.  Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place (ESV).

Let's bombard Heaven with our concerns through fasting and prayer. After all, God is watching and waiting to hear from us.

Grace and Peace,


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Things In Common - Rejections

Today’s Moments of Hope: Rejection is God’s protection

If you’ve lived any number of years on this earth, you’ve most likely been rejected. Therefore, when (not if) it happens, here are some things to remember about rejection:
Rejection is God’s protection. You are probably being guarded from something very evil. Therefore, thank God for the rejection!
Rejection is wrong direction. It’s a way to put you on the right path in life. Therefore, it’s something to be celebrated.
Rejection is just perception. The person who rejected me doesn’t really know me. It’s just a perception they had of me.
Rejection is no more dejection. That chapter in my life has been written. It’s time to write a new one. It’s time to move on.
Rejection is not the end of my life. Indeed, if I really trust God, it’s a new opportunity in life for me! There’s something and someone even better in life waiting for me.
Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Replies

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Things In Common - Hope

Happy New Year facebook friends! This is your year, there is hope and things will get better. My lesson for the 2011 was realizing that I am not GOD. I tried  to fix every problem and to be there for everyone, but with my flaws, I some time fail and didn't know how to help. It hurt.  That is when God spoke to my heart and remind me that He has everything under control. I then relinquished all control into His capable hands. Now with renewed hope, I look forward to see what the Lord has for me. Keep believing no matter how things look. I hope you walk into the New Year with your head high and your dreams alive.  I will.

Have a safe and prosperous Year!!
Love you all

Monday, November 14, 2011

Things In Common - Being Who you Are

Hello all! I've been still and quiet since August, giving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the opportunity to speak to my heart. If you know Him (Jesus), you know He has done just that.  I placed a question before the Lord, Who am I, doing this time of transition? There were so many things coming at me all at once, it became confusing. While I do appreciate my family and friends care and concerns for me, I realized that I'm not them. I've been examining my life and rediscovering who I am. To start this journey, I was given this scripture to keep in mind, Psalm 139:14"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well". Know that you are awesome. I took a sheet of paper and divided it down the middle. I then wrote on one side "Who I was created to be" and on the other side "Who I've become". This is to be a soul searching event, me and Jesus alone. I had to be honest and go deep with in. It caused me to laugh, as well as cry. when I revisited areas that still have hurt and pain attach to it, I realized that these are the areas that I had not forgiven. Once I forgave it all, I felt so clean and free, but a little vulnerable (as if nothing was hidden), then came Peace. Let me say here, do not do this until you feel ready, this is all about you and if you decide to don't try to run a Marathon with it . It took me from August to November. There are many things I am not able to share at this time, but I can say that I not only Love myself, but that I Like myself (who I was created to be by the Father). Love yourself and don't be afraid of being who you are. Embrace all of you, the good and the not so good, and now you can change those things that stop you from being your best. If you don't like who you are, go to Jesus and let Him show you how. Remember, you were created with much care and love, you are not an accident. The Father knows what He is doing and being who you are says I trust Him.
Love you all and pray for you daily.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Things In Common - Being Still

"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth" (Psalm 46:10).  I woke up with several scriptures this morning  and this was the first of three. I hear the Father saying "Be Still", for God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in the time of trouble. Therefore, don't let these times of turmoil bring fear; just remember to be still and with your heart hear and receive the love that the Father has for you. We need to give all our worries, anxieties, and problems to the Lord, Jesus Christ, let Him handle it, and He will. For I Peter 5:7  states "casting all  your care upon Him, for He cares for you". Are we to do nothing? No, that's not what I'm saying. As we go from day to day lets not allow ourselves to become depress and hopeless because of what things look like, but allow our faith to be Stretch. We must trust Him, He will not fail us. He has a very good track record. So keep casting every care on Him, He can handle it. Every morning give thanks for His purpose for that day. The third scripture is Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you". This is the Lord promising to be right in the mist of it all with us. He will not abandon us, with all that He's already done for us, why would He change now? For He gave His only Son. I believe that the Bible is the word of God, it represents God, therefore, He (God) must honor His word. If we allow our faith to be stretch (rubberband), we will come out on top.  Together  these three scriptures give such a powerful reassurance of God's love for His children.  Be encouraged and continue to believe the word of God, to stand on the word of God, and to trust in the word of God.
Father, we are being still before You, casting all of our care on You, because we know that You care for us, for You will never leave us nor forsake/abandon us during our time of trouble. We realize that You are our refuge and strength a present help in trouble; and Lord, we are in trouble. Hear our cry, O Lord, and rescue us. In Jesus' name.