Monday, November 14, 2011

Things In Common - Being Who you Are

Hello all! I've been still and quiet since August, giving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the opportunity to speak to my heart. If you know Him (Jesus), you know He has done just that.  I placed a question before the Lord, Who am I, doing this time of transition? There were so many things coming at me all at once, it became confusing. While I do appreciate my family and friends care and concerns for me, I realized that I'm not them. I've been examining my life and rediscovering who I am. To start this journey, I was given this scripture to keep in mind, Psalm 139:14"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well". Know that you are awesome. I took a sheet of paper and divided it down the middle. I then wrote on one side "Who I was created to be" and on the other side "Who I've become". This is to be a soul searching event, me and Jesus alone. I had to be honest and go deep with in. It caused me to laugh, as well as cry. when I revisited areas that still have hurt and pain attach to it, I realized that these are the areas that I had not forgiven. Once I forgave it all, I felt so clean and free, but a little vulnerable (as if nothing was hidden), then came Peace. Let me say here, do not do this until you feel ready, this is all about you and if you decide to don't try to run a Marathon with it . It took me from August to November. There are many things I am not able to share at this time, but I can say that I not only Love myself, but that I Like myself (who I was created to be by the Father). Love yourself and don't be afraid of being who you are. Embrace all of you, the good and the not so good, and now you can change those things that stop you from being your best. If you don't like who you are, go to Jesus and let Him show you how. Remember, you were created with much care and love, you are not an accident. The Father knows what He is doing and being who you are says I trust Him.
Love you all and pray for you daily.


  1. Jessie, You are God's unique masterpiece. There has never been anyone like you and never will be. I like you too!!!! I am honored and blessed to know you. Your Tues night Bible buddy, Kathy

  2. Evangelist Jessie since I have known you, you have proven to be a true Saint and woman of God( Clergy) when I saw you on face book. I said thank God for Old aquaintance.and praise God for the woman of God still standing and then my spirit agreed again with Your Spirit then again in the dream letting me know that Jesus was going to honor you again.Thank God that you are still being led by Jesus and you use him in your dreams and goals.May God always be with you to lead keep and guide you. never give up on your dreams for if you do you never would know if they could have become a reality. Peace in Jesus from Evangelist Dorothy Smith Person Of Hallsboro North Carolina.
