Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lesson Learn - Be Encourage

I woke up this morning needing to be encourage, so I went to my source (the Bible) that encourages me the most, read my emails and came up with this thought. Be encourage, refuse to give in to the frustration that has come as a result of dealing with hindrances. Instead, set yourself to seek Me for wisdom and clarity, for I will give you the grace to accomplish what I have set before you, says the Lord. This is certainly not a time when you should get discouraged and give up. You are on the brink of breakthrough. Keep pushing. Keep trusting. Keep the faith!

Isaiah 58:8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lesson Learn

July 12, 2011

Defeating Discouragement


Discouragement can rob peace, joy, and contentment. But I have great news if you feel disheartened: You're not stuck!

I've known people who appeared to be in an impossible situation. A few years later, however, they were in a terrific place, either in terms of their circumstances or their emotions. The reason? They never gave up. Instead of sulking in self-pity, they chose to believe God, step out in faith, and climb out of the emotional pit.

Nehemiah is a good example. He had every reason to feel defeated, because his people were in trouble. After receiving news that the city wall had been destroyed, this man of God acknowledged profound disappointment and grieved. Though pain flooded his soul, he didn't allow himself to stay in that low place. Instead, Nehemiah cried out to God, seeking direction.

Sadness in the presence of royalty was punishable by death. But the Lord answered Nehemiah's prayer with amazing power, prompting the king to notice his servant's sad countenance and then to ask what he could do to help. This miracle led to the rebuilding of the wall and the redemption of God's people.

The Lord can take an impossible situation—no matter what it is—and move in ways mightier than you can imagine.

Do you live in eager expectation of what the Lord will do? Or have you chosen to linger in the depths of despair? Like Nehemiah, turn your disappointment into a petition for God's help. He can restore your hope and prevent negative emotions from gaining a stranglehold on your life.
Good advice from Charles Standley. Enjoy.