Monday, August 23, 2010

Things In Common - The Heart

The heart is like that of a computer, what you put in will come out. I was thinking  about life's trails,  testings, difficulties, fears and how it really builds character in us. It doesn't feel good when we are going through difficult times, but it is to make us into who God has created us to be. I realize that God will allow us to go through a time of testing just to see what is in our heart. What is in your heart? Will you stand and trust Him or will you crumble under pressure. What is in our heart is what's going to come out.  Apostle Peter writes "Be glad about this, even though it may now be necessary for you to be sad for a while because of the many kinds of trails you suffer. Their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine. Even gold, which can be destroyed, is tested by fire; and so your faith, which is much more precious than gold, must also be tested, so that it may endure. Then you will receive praise and glory and honor on the Day when Jesus Christ is revealed" (I Peter 1:6,7.. Good News Bible). Therefore keep your heart fill with songs, with love, with joy, with kindness, happiness and with faith, knowing that it is making us into the very image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I will tell you this, what is in your heart will shine through, so let it be the Son.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things In Common - Purpose

Welcome to Jessie's Desk and I'm Jessie. I am a teacher who have been laid off.  So, like many others, it was a shock. It seem so unfair, since I did everyting right. I even went back to college and obtained my M.A.T from UNC Charlotte. At first I felt betraded. It was not the fact that I got laid off but the way it was done. I became angry and would have still been angry, if the Lord was not on my side. He spoke to my heart and told me to forgive it all, trust Him to take care of me, because He cares for me. Let it go. I had to go in today for a reemployment workshop and it was hard knowing that I would have been at work getting my classroom ready for my students. If you or someone you know have been laid off and are having a great deal of emotions, encourage them to trust God, even on the hard days, dealing with rejections all over again, just trust in the Lord, He loves you very much and will not leave you alone. Promise me that you will get up every day and at lease take a step outside of the house. Do not crawl into a hole. You are important and have a lot to offer. Maybe this is the time to go inside and see if you are living out your purpose. I can tell you what works for me and that is prayer or just talking to the Lord, He really listens. It's like once I start talking and crying on his shoulders, He drys all of my tears away and give me peace. Share a smile with someone today and make a difference in their lives.  I leave you with Pslam 121:1-8, read it meditate on it and let it bless you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Things In Common - The Date

My youngest son and I went out on a date Saturday to spend our time together before going back to college. I'm his only girlfriend for now (until he goes back to college). I've always had my special time with both of my sons since elementary school. I had the best time with him, only I don't remember it being so expensive. It was a happy meal and I was the best mother ever, now it's  almost the price of a mortgage payment.  He pick the place and off we went, it was so much fun, laughing,talking and oh yea eating (no wonder I can't lose weight). While on the date with my son my eyes became open and reality kinda hit me right between the eyes, my son is not a little boy anymore. He has become such a mature young man. Where did the know it all boy go? Who is this person ? Is this really my son? Wow!! prayer does work.  The Lord has made me a joyful mother of children (Ps. 113:9) and my children has brought me joy. We are not perfect but we are trying to be the best parents, advisers, motivators, teachers, and now the friend that these two need us to be. As parents we must know when to step back and allow God to be God and love them, just love them like Christ loves us.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Things In Common - Friendship

Have you ever woke-up in the morning with a thought on your mind and you just couldn't seem to shake it? Well, today was one of those days for me and I couldn't shake this thought all day. So here's my thoughts.
If you trust the Lord He will send friends that will build faith in your life. friends will be the people who will cause your dreams to soar, to motivate you and believe in your vision. It is important to know who your friends are and what their bringing to the friendship.  The bible gives us an example of what true friendship should look like. In I Samuel Chapters 19 and 20, we get a picture of loyalty between two friends, Jonathan and David. Friendship is nothing without loyalty, honesty and love. You and your friends should have things in common, mutual respect, wanting the same things and knowing how to be there for each other. In John 15:13-15, Jesus call  us friend. He is our friend and He gave His life for us. We don't have to worry or be afraid for He is a loyal friend who will be there for you. Just cry out to Him and He will be there, to never leave you alone, forsake you, abandon you or let you go.  Well, I know my thoughts seem scattered, but I hope you get the picture and be encouraged. I'll end with the Golden Girls theme song; Thank you for being a friend!! Love somebody, hug somebody and be friend someone today. God bless.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Things In Common - An Open Door

A door has been opened for you, but it mean nothing unless you walk through it.  The scripture states that an open door has been set before you and no one can shut it (Rev. 3:8). The Lord has open a door for you, will you walk through it. Jesus will not lead you wrong.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Things in Common -The Attic

Every now and then the attics of our homes need to be clean out or there will be things everywhere and no where to walk.   The same way the attic of our homes need to be clean out, so does the attic of our minds. When our minds are so clustered with the cares of this world, we must stop and unload in order to keep our minds healthy. We can't think straight with a clustered mind, to much going on, there's the spouse,children, grandchildren,the pet, family members and friends;they are all pulling on you as a baby pulls at their mother. This can all become over whelming. I suggest going into your quiet place and invite the Lord to come in, remove the cluster and give you peace.  Jesus wants to be there for you, will you let Him (I Peter 5:7, casting all of your care upon Him, for He cares for you)?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Things In Common- feeling Peculiar

Have ever woke - up in the morning and couldn't identify the your mood or feelings? So you walk around trying to figure out what was going on, we say Lord what is this? why do I feel this way? It was such a peculiar feeling. That is how my morning began, but soon I prayed and read my bible. One scripture came to mind immediately Psalm 91, I stopped what I was doing and began to read Ps. 91. As I read the words a warm feeling came upon me, my hands went up in praise, once again I knew that I could  trust in Him and I'll be safe. Before I knew it that peculiar feeling left and I was off to having a wonderful day. They are those times when we all feel peculiar and we just can't put our finger on it. Well when you begin to feel that way, just stop, take a deep breath, sit down pick up your bible(if you don't have one, borrow one) and read it. Then give your day to God and tell Him that He can have this one, because you can't do anything with it. What is your favorite song? sing it and go knowing that everything will be alright, because He is a faithful Lord and will not fail us. We can take that to the bank!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Things In Common

Today I went with someone to social services and I was so amazed at the number of cars. We road around and around in the parking area, meeting the same cars each time, giving a slight wave at each other; only to realize that we were all pursuing the same thing, a parking space. I began to wonder what would happen if a parking space became available, how would we determine who get to park, now that we have all become roaming buddies.  I had a flashback of Madea (Tyler Perry's Madea goes to Jail) becoming angry,taking a forklift and moving the car out of her paking space. Do I find a forklift or continue to roam with the others? Now that we have something in common. Make you go hmmm!! I guess they read my mind, because soon I was the only car now waiting on a parking space.  I parked and joined my friend inside. Once inside, the common challenge became, who will get a seat first. There were people every where; some on their phone, some with crying children and the others, observers. I walked in and took a seat beside my friend and soon wonder if I need to take a quick class in kung-fue.I could feel the eyes on me, so I began to play the observer game. My friend name was called and his seat was now available and this guy raced over, sat down, never said anything, he talked on his phone the entire time. I tried to guess what people did for a living and soon became a fashion critic. Thank God my friend was back before I got myself in some real trouble.