Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Things In Common

Today I went with someone to social services and I was so amazed at the number of cars. We road around and around in the parking area, meeting the same cars each time, giving a slight wave at each other; only to realize that we were all pursuing the same thing, a parking space. I began to wonder what would happen if a parking space became available, how would we determine who get to park, now that we have all become roaming buddies.  I had a flashback of Madea (Tyler Perry's Madea goes to Jail) becoming angry,taking a forklift and moving the car out of her paking space. Do I find a forklift or continue to roam with the others? Now that we have something in common. Make you go hmmm!! I guess they read my mind, because soon I was the only car now waiting on a parking space.  I parked and joined my friend inside. Once inside, the common challenge became, who will get a seat first. There were people every where; some on their phone, some with crying children and the others, observers. I walked in and took a seat beside my friend and soon wonder if I need to take a quick class in kung-fue.I could feel the eyes on me, so I began to play the observer game. My friend name was called and his seat was now available and this guy raced over, sat down, never said anything, he talked on his phone the entire time. I tried to guess what people did for a living and soon became a fashion critic. Thank God my friend was back before I got myself in some real trouble.

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