Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Things In Common - The Date

My youngest son and I went out on a date Saturday to spend our time together before going back to college. I'm his only girlfriend for now (until he goes back to college). I've always had my special time with both of my sons since elementary school. I had the best time with him, only I don't remember it being so expensive. It was a happy meal and I was the best mother ever, now it's  almost the price of a mortgage payment.  He pick the place and off we went, it was so much fun, laughing,talking and oh yea eating (no wonder I can't lose weight). While on the date with my son my eyes became open and reality kinda hit me right between the eyes, my son is not a little boy anymore. He has become such a mature young man. Where did the know it all boy go? Who is this person ? Is this really my son? Wow!! prayer does work.  The Lord has made me a joyful mother of children (Ps. 113:9) and my children has brought me joy. We are not perfect but we are trying to be the best parents, advisers, motivators, teachers, and now the friend that these two need us to be. As parents we must know when to step back and allow God to be God and love them, just love them like Christ loves us.

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