Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things In Common - Purpose

Welcome to Jessie's Desk and I'm Jessie. I am a teacher who have been laid off.  So, like many others, it was a shock. It seem so unfair, since I did everyting right. I even went back to college and obtained my M.A.T from UNC Charlotte. At first I felt betraded. It was not the fact that I got laid off but the way it was done. I became angry and would have still been angry, if the Lord was not on my side. He spoke to my heart and told me to forgive it all, trust Him to take care of me, because He cares for me. Let it go. I had to go in today for a reemployment workshop and it was hard knowing that I would have been at work getting my classroom ready for my students. If you or someone you know have been laid off and are having a great deal of emotions, encourage them to trust God, even on the hard days, dealing with rejections all over again, just trust in the Lord, He loves you very much and will not leave you alone. Promise me that you will get up every day and at lease take a step outside of the house. Do not crawl into a hole. You are important and have a lot to offer. Maybe this is the time to go inside and see if you are living out your purpose. I can tell you what works for me and that is prayer or just talking to the Lord, He really listens. It's like once I start talking and crying on his shoulders, He drys all of my tears away and give me peace. Share a smile with someone today and make a difference in their lives.  I leave you with Pslam 121:1-8, read it meditate on it and let it bless you.

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