Thursday, August 12, 2010

Things In Common- feeling Peculiar

Have ever woke - up in the morning and couldn't identify the your mood or feelings? So you walk around trying to figure out what was going on, we say Lord what is this? why do I feel this way? It was such a peculiar feeling. That is how my morning began, but soon I prayed and read my bible. One scripture came to mind immediately Psalm 91, I stopped what I was doing and began to read Ps. 91. As I read the words a warm feeling came upon me, my hands went up in praise, once again I knew that I could  trust in Him and I'll be safe. Before I knew it that peculiar feeling left and I was off to having a wonderful day. They are those times when we all feel peculiar and we just can't put our finger on it. Well when you begin to feel that way, just stop, take a deep breath, sit down pick up your bible(if you don't have one, borrow one) and read it. Then give your day to God and tell Him that He can have this one, because you can't do anything with it. What is your favorite song? sing it and go knowing that everything will be alright, because He is a faithful Lord and will not fail us. We can take that to the bank!!

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