Monday, August 16, 2010

Things In Common - Friendship

Have you ever woke-up in the morning with a thought on your mind and you just couldn't seem to shake it? Well, today was one of those days for me and I couldn't shake this thought all day. So here's my thoughts.
If you trust the Lord He will send friends that will build faith in your life. friends will be the people who will cause your dreams to soar, to motivate you and believe in your vision. It is important to know who your friends are and what their bringing to the friendship.  The bible gives us an example of what true friendship should look like. In I Samuel Chapters 19 and 20, we get a picture of loyalty between two friends, Jonathan and David. Friendship is nothing without loyalty, honesty and love. You and your friends should have things in common, mutual respect, wanting the same things and knowing how to be there for each other. In John 15:13-15, Jesus call  us friend. He is our friend and He gave His life for us. We don't have to worry or be afraid for He is a loyal friend who will be there for you. Just cry out to Him and He will be there, to never leave you alone, forsake you, abandon you or let you go.  Well, I know my thoughts seem scattered, but I hope you get the picture and be encouraged. I'll end with the Golden Girls theme song; Thank you for being a friend!! Love somebody, hug somebody and be friend someone today. God bless.

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