Friday, August 13, 2010

Things in Common -The Attic

Every now and then the attics of our homes need to be clean out or there will be things everywhere and no where to walk.   The same way the attic of our homes need to be clean out, so does the attic of our minds. When our minds are so clustered with the cares of this world, we must stop and unload in order to keep our minds healthy. We can't think straight with a clustered mind, to much going on, there's the spouse,children, grandchildren,the pet, family members and friends;they are all pulling on you as a baby pulls at their mother. This can all become over whelming. I suggest going into your quiet place and invite the Lord to come in, remove the cluster and give you peace.  Jesus wants to be there for you, will you let Him (I Peter 5:7, casting all of your care upon Him, for He cares for you)?

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